Pink and orange Himalayan salt

Pink salt - what is it?

Rock salt from a deposit in the Punjab region (Pakistan). The history of pink salt begins over 300 million years ago. It dissolved into the ancient ocean and when it dried up, it appeared in the form of deposits in the foothills of the Salt Ridge in the Indo-Gangetic Plain. Due to the absence of various manufacturing enterprises and factories in the area, pink salt does not contain harmful impurities. The mineral is mined manually from the natural reserves of the Khevra salt mines. As a result, it is possible to maintain the purity of the mineral. Himalayan pink salt is called "king salt" or "salt of life".

Pink and orange Himalayan salt

Chemical composition

Chemical composition of Himalayan salt is table salt with mineral impurities. It consists of 95-98% sodium chloride, contains 2-4% polyhalite (aqueous sulfate of potassium, calcium and magnesium), 0.01% fluorine, 0.01% iodine, as well as numerous trace elements in small quantities. For example: silicon, sulfur, manganese, iron and more than 80 other elements.

Salt crystals range in color from almost white to transparent colored. The admixtures of polyhalite and trace elements in some veins of the deposit give the crystals a pink, reddish or meat-red color.

Medicinal properties of pink salt

Claims about the medicinal properties of this salt are becoming more and more popular every day. Let's take a look at some of the much-discussed benefits of this rock salt.

From the point of view of Ph balance, water regulation of the body, pink salt can be regulatory and very useful. Taking a small amount of salt dissolved in water has been linked to improved mood and increased energy throughout the day. In addition to accelerating metabolism, salt helps to cleanse the body and eliminate toxins and toxins.

Himalayan pink salt is beneficial for breathing problems. Being in the salt room can alleviate the course of allergic diseases such as bronchial asthma, allergic hay fever and other disorders.

The scrub from Himalayan pink salt will make your skin firm and radiant, accelerate blood circulation in the microcapillaries, thereby getting rid of cellulite. Body wraps with pink Himalayan salt are effective for weight loss. Also, the mineral can be used as a deodorant, because it has antibacterial and astringent properties.

For joint diseases such as arthritis and arthrosis, baths with Himalayan salt will relieve pain, inflammation and discomfort during intense physical exertion.

Pink and orange Himalayan salt
Pink and orange Himalayan salt

Application of pink Himalayan salt

Indian chefs have used pink salt in a variety of dishes for thousands of years. It is enough to replace ordinary salt with it, and you will immediately notice how the taste of the usual dishes will change. For cooking, it is better to use salt in small crystals or a grinder for large crystals.

Since salt has an anti-microbial effect, the bars are placed next to food to keep them fresh longer.

In Asian cuisine, there are so-called stone pans and cutting boards. When cooking, food absorbs as much salt as needed. During the continuous frying of food, a small depression forms in the salt plate and no juice flows out of the food being cooked. Indian housewives recommend immediately making such a deepening using warm water and a hard brush.

Recently, Himalayan pink salt has become a popular interior decoration. It is used in the manufacture of table lamps, kitchen boards and stands, carved decorative elements. In baths and saunas, entire walls are built from pink salt plates. When heated, sodium ions are released, which is extremely beneficial for the respiratory system.

In cosmetology, natural scrubs and popular dry natural deodorants are produced from pink salt. A solution of Himalayan salt is used in cosmetic wraps, hand and foot baths, and compresses to combat acne and eczema.

A solution of Himalayan salt is used for colds for rinsing the mouth and rinsing the nose. Pink salt helps to quickly relieve sore throat and runny nose.

How to choose the right pink salt?

Himalayan pink salt is mined only in the Indo-Gangetic Plain, so it is better to choose producers from Nepal, India or Pakistan. There are several ways to check real salt and make sure its authenticity:

  1. Soak a crystal of pink salt and swipe it over a white piece of paper - the fake salt will leave a trace of pink or red paint.
  2. Dissolve 1 teaspoon of Himalayan salt in a glass of water. After 2-3 minutes, you will see a precipitate of small pink particles, and the solution itself will be pale pink.
Pink and orange Himalayan salt
Pink and orange Himalayan salt

General conclusions

  1. Pink Himalayan salt contains over 80 beneficial trace elements.
  2. It is widely used in medicine and cosmetology.
  3. Extracted from ecologically clean areas by hand.

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